



I want to share with you the easiest and my favorite product to sell.  Everyone that owns a motorcyle should own this product. This is also great for police officers, truck drivers, repo men and firemen. Just about all of our companies offer this type of product.

Watch this video to learn more.


Click on bottom right of video to enlarge it.


Sign Him Up


Unintentional Injuries are the 5th Leading
Cause of Death in the United States*
Your Clients' Lives can be Changed without Warning.
How well do you have them protected?
Your Clients Need Accidental Death Protection!
The Accidental Death Protector can help!
Guaranteed Issue!**
Premium is Guaranteed Level for the 20-year period!
Return of 20 Annual Premiums in Year 20!
$50,000 of Coverage for only $13.72 per month, regardless of age! - AND -
Coverage Doubles to $100,000 by year 20!
$100,000 of Coverage for only $22.79 per month, regardless of age! - AND -Coverage Doubles to $200,000 by year 20!
Complete List Billing support for business owners!
HIGH First Year Commissions and renewals!

This is great for motorcycle groups.  Call me at 877-968-5757 and let me train you on how to sell this type of product.
Call 770-968-5757 for more info.




Matt Rosenthal





            Please click on the

  Insurance Companies link

 to see what we have to offer you and get contracted. 


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